Being at Ease: the Direct Approach

Too Good to be True?

That we might become calmer and happier without therapy is just not something we have heard about. These kinds of changes become possible simply by applying digital technology in the domain of human behavior. Because we start by addressing human problems at a biological level, the process is universal. Everyone can benefit.

A Way of Understanding What Happens

From the point of view of the nervous system, chronic tension and muscle pain comes from an electrical signal from the nerves telling the muscle to contract. When that signal comes constantly, it becomes a habitual pattern and we are no longer able to completely relax that muscle by ourselves. We need some intervention, massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, to act as a catalyst to break the cycle and allow ourselves to completely relax.

Our brains act in a way similar to our muscles. Over time the electrical signals in the brain build up into patterns that we can no longer stop or interrupt. Some of these repeating patterns are associated with behavior that we want to stop, but somehow aren't able to. Persistent worrying or stress, anxiety, constant sadness, emotional turbulence, anything we are doing over and over can be addressed by the at Ease process.

Learn about emotions and the brain

The Eyes Have It

Of all the sensory information that reaches the human brain, 70% of it comes from the eyes via the optic nerve. By taking advantage of this natural pathway, researchers have found that it is possible to gently, safely induce our brains to become calmer. Even though there is no “work” done by the person doing at Ease, the changes in the brain begin to manifest as changes in the person’s life.


at Ease sessions employ a digital technology (Photostimulation) that works directly on the nervous system to calm excess brain activity. Very gently, the process induces the brain to break out of its habitual patterns.


Learn about Photostimulation

What it Feels Like

You lean back in a comfortable chair. We attach sensors to your scalp and give you a pair of glasses with tiny lights in them. Then you just relax. After a few minutes, most people start to notice that they are feeling quite relaxed, more relaxed than usual. You just keep feeling relaxed as your brain very gently begins to “rediscover” calmer operating states. You go back into your life and gradually find that things are less annoying or upsetting and that you feel generally calmer and more centered.

Getting Started

Just give us a call. Our office is in Berkeley near I-80. The cost is $80 per session. The first session is complementary and includes an assessment of your EEG and any potential problem areas.

Learn about at Ease sessions

To make an appointment, call Luke at 510-342-6734
or visit our Contact Us Page